HIIT Training

HIIT Training

HIIT Training

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HIIT Training Equipment

You want to get cardio fit and the whole high intensity interval training suits your methods of working out and exercising. Did you know that specific HIIT training equipmenbt has been designed and is available from a range of leading brands.

High intensity with short breaks means this is very different from normal cardio activity.

What's A HIIT Session?

Usually you will start with a small period of warm-up to help get your body working and ready.

This is followed by reps of high intensity exercises, either with short perdios of nbo exericse, or as you get more used to HIIT, medium intensity exercises between the high intensity ones!

It's really important that your high intensity exercises are full on and almost maximum effort. The medium intensity should be 50% of maximum (If you can manage it!).

So how many repititions? Depending on the exercises, the reps and the length of each rep will vary. So for example it coudl be 3 reps of 20 seconds each on the ski erg. Or 5 reps of 15 seconds on the rower.

Is There A Best Way To Do HIIT?

There are lots of ways you can perform HIIT. If you head to a CrossFit studio they often work on a 2:1 ratio (Exercise to Recovery).

So for example if you did 30 seconds of sprinting at your 100%, then you would alternate this with 15 seconds of a very easy jog or walk. The walk would be well suited to someone that is new to high intensity interval training.

You can then look at a HIIT session lasting anywhere between 10 mins and 30 mins depending on your fitness and your ability to keep going to failure (GP advisory!).

This is the perfect option for time poor individuals, or those that just like to workout to exhaustion. So burn calories and get a great buzz in a short space of time - what's not to like.

You can also choose your poison to a large extent as you can choose from air bikes, stair climbers, cycling ergometers, rowing ergometers, running, uphill walking and ski ergs.

It's becoming a favourite in clubs and gyms - especially when you consider the ski erg, climbers and rowers are a low impact option for your body too.