Body Pump Weight Sets

Studio BodyPump Sets

Escape Fitness Body Pump Weight Sets

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studio pump set


What Are Body Pump Sets?

The studio or body pump weight set looks very much like a barbell and is used in body pump workout sessions which combine traditional strength and cardio training.

The body pump weight set is usually a number of lighter weight plates with spring collars and a steel bar that may, or may not, have a foam coating. In many of the sets the plates are different colours to help you spot immediately what size weight they are.

For Classes or Home?

Pump sets tend to be used in group classes but you can use this at home as well. You can either devise your own routines or you can purchase body pump music and DVD’s.

One of the major benefits of doing this type of exercise in a class is that it can be a very motivational way to work out with others.

How Does it Work?

BodyPump is all about toning and conditioning, it’s about repetitions and number of sets not necessarily about the amount of weight you lift. In fact in one session you could perform 70-100 repetitions per body part totalling up to 800 repetitions in a single workout. Remember this is not exercise where you are trying to build muscle, instead it’s about increasing circulation, metabolism and strength.

Body pump exercises are performed whilst standing and to fast, upbeat music. The type of exercises you will be doing include:

  • Squats, this will work your thighs and hips. You will squat with the weight on your shoulders.
  • Bicep curls to work out those biceps
  • Lunges, for shaping and toning the buttocks.
  • Abdominals for strong abs and core
  • Triceps to get rid of those flabby bits of the arm

Benefits of a Pump Set

You get a total body workout so increasing your muscle tone, muscular endurance and bone density. You can adjust the weights so you can work out with as much weight as you think is right for you. The workouts are carried out to music so are very motivational.

They can also be a great way to burn fat and calories. Depending on your fitness levels you could burn up to 560 calories per body pump session.